To explore DH work + projects I’ve done, click on the links below:
- H-Latin America: Research Corner
- Digital Integration Teaching Initiative: “Meet the Method: StoryMap,” “Meet the Method: Timeline,” “Douglass Day 2024,” “Speed Data-ing”
- Women Writer’s Project and NULab: “Reading Between the Lines: Investigating A Narrative of the Life of Mrs. Mary Jemison, Part One and Part Two,” “Encoding A Narrative of the Life of Mrs. Mary Jemison”
- How We Remember: An Archive of Indigenous Voices
- Unfinished History: A Podcast with Catarina Tchakerian
I earned my certificate in Digital Humanities from Northeastern University in 2023, and I have the following digital skills:
- WordPress
- Wix
- Twine
- Omeka Classic,, Omeka-S
- Voyant Tools
- Audacity
- SketchUp
- Word Tree
- StoryMap
- Timeline